Monday, May 3, 2010

Research Study on Healthcare Inequities

Guest post by Elesia Ashkenazy, ASAN Board Member and Portland, Oregon Chapter Coordinator.

Finally, something about Autistics done with Autistics that might actually help us out!

• Participate in research, not just about Autistics, but with Autistics!
• Have your voice included in research!
• The Gateway Project is recruiting adults over the age of 18 to participate in online studies.
• AASPIRE is conducting a new Gateway study about healthcare inequities.
• Participants may win a $25 gift certificate
• To learn more, visit
• Please share this invitation to participate in research widely!

AASPIRE is currently working on a project called the Gateway Project. Our project serves as a gateway to research that is committed to inclusion, respect, accessibility, and relevance to the community of autistic adults. The Gateway Project includes a series of online studies on topics such as healthcare access and quality, online sense of community and identity, and problem solving. The project is open to individuals with and without disabilities, as well as to individuals on the autistic spectrum.

I have appended our flier for your convenience.


Elesia Ashkenazy

ASAN, Board member & Chapter Coordinator

AASPIRE, Community Partner & Community Council Chair

Be Included in Autism Research
The Academic Autistic Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE) believes in
research WITH autistic adults, not just ABOUT autistic adults.
The AASPIRE Gateway Project is an online gateway to research that fulfills AASPIRE's mission to

*encourage the inclusion of autistic adults in matters which directly affect them;

*include autistic adults as equal partners in research about autism;

*answer research questions that are considered relevant by the autistic community;

*use research findings to effect positive change for people on the autistic spectrum.

The AASPIRE Gateway Project needs your help, whether or not you are on the autistic spectrum.

If you are at least 18 years old and have access to the Internet, you can participate in a series of continuing online research studies that help AASPIRE achieve its mission. Upcoming studies address topics such as healthcare, Internet use, and problem-solving.

To participate in the AASPIRE Gateway Project:

1. Register online for an AASPIRE Gateway account starting at

2. Take the online AASPIRE Gateway Survey. The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete.

3. You will be notified by email when new studies for which you are eligible become available.

Completing the survey entitles you to a 1 in 25 chance to win a $25 Amazon gift certificate.

If you would like to learn more about AASPIRE or the AASPIRE the Gateway Project, you can

Go to the Gateway home page at

Send an email to Dora Raymaker at

Make a telephone call to Dr. Christina Nicolaidis at 1-503-494-9602.

OHSU IRB # 3762; UW IRB# SE-2008-0749
Principal Investigators: Christina Nicolaidis, MD, MPH, Oregon Health & Science University
Morton Ann Gernsbacher, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Katherine McDonald, PhD, Portland State University
Dora Raymaker, Autistic Self-Advocacy Network